
An Unreached Tribe Receives the Gospel in Myanmar In the heart of Myanmar, a miracle was unfolding. An unreached Buddhist tribe of 115,000 people, largely unaware of the God of the Bible, had begun to witness a profound transformation. Just a year ago, less than 50 people in this tribe had any relationship with Jesus. But today, the light of the gospel is breaking through, thanks to the united efforts of Via, a church in Oklahoma, and dedicated Burmese church leaders.

May 22, 2024

Center for Mission Mobilization Now ViaThe Center for Mission Mobilization is now Via. The 501(c)(3) nonprofit, headquartered in Fayetteville, AR, launched its new brand in 2023 to bring more clarity to the organization, to serve more effectively cross-culturally, and to unify a growing network of teams and partners in over 25 countries. 

January 12, 2024

Global Vision Update 2023We invite you to celebrate with us the amazing work God has done across the world to make his name known among the nations.

November 21, 2023

The Mobilization Index: Connecting the Global Church to the UnreachedSince their first 32-page prayer guide in 1964, Operation World has been informing and inspiring Christians around the world to join God in praying for the nations. For more than twenty years, the Joshua Project has helped awaken the Church by defining the unfinished task of the Great Commission among the unreached. Both of these resources, and others like them, have contributed to mobilizing laborers, guided mission strategies, and awakened countless hearts to God’s global purpose. I know many Christians who became involved in global missions after using Operati
By: Jason Gardner

April 23, 2023

Global Vision Update 2022We invite you to take a moment and read with us how peoples’ lives are being refined and redefined by God’s heart and global purpose for all nations to know Him, and how you have personally supported reaching the nations through your generosity.

November 22, 2022

Overcoming China’s Challenges with New PartnershipsHow do you lead a team that lives 14 time zones away? Two years ago, our China team leaders were forced to return to the US, and they’ve been forced to rework how they guide their team and do ministry while thousands of miles apart.
Global Vision Update 2021We invite you to take a moment and read with us how you are shaping a new era of mission sending. We are now actively mobilizing churches within 24 countries and have a clear line of sight toward our total goal of 50.
Josiah Kennealy, Chi Alpha

December 10, 2021

Parenting with a Global VisionWe live in a world of competing values and clamoring voices. Our family schedules are filled with what feels like important things and, in an era of history unlike any before, we wonder how to intentionally disciple our children. The challenges are real, but in the midst of all these things Jesus is inviting you and your children to join Him into the greatest story ever told. Parenting with a Global Vision was created to take you on a six-week journey of discovering why guiding your children toward God’s heart for the nations may be the most strategic investment you will ever make. A G
Propelled by LoveElise wants to introduce a new narrative, a broader lens as to what single women are capable of, especially with regard to mission work. She craves to offer new perspectives and fresh ways of thinking about the role of single women in the church and on the mission field. With her example and legacy, she hopes to reshape the expectations that have been placed on Christian women in the African context.
An Open Letter to the Christian Family About Generosity to MissionariesThe idea of parents and their children serving together in God’s mission is seldom addressed, yet families are the basic unit of all societies and God has always worked through generations of families to bless the nations. Weave wanted to create a study that affirms the important role of families in God’s story and encourages families to join with God in reaching the nations, especially those without access to the gospel.
By: Tim Howington

June 21, 2021

By: Chris Haas

June 21, 2021

A Case For MobilizationMobilizers are those who channel key resources, training, and vision for world evangelization to the Body of Christ. It has been said, that to improperly appreciate and support the role of the mobilizer is to seriously hinder the functions of the goer, sender, and welcomer.
Nurturing PeopleMission cannot exist without people. Mission cannot be sustained without people. People cannot sustain mission without care. The success of mobilization movements depends on the quality of the people stewarding that movement.
Families Take a Front SeatThe idea of parents and their children serving together in God’s mission is seldom addressed, yet families are the basic unit of all societies and God has always worked through generations of families to bless the nations. Weave wanted to create a study that affirms the important role of families in God’s story and encourages families to join with God in reaching the nations, especially those without access to the gospel. 
The Sacred Act of WelcomingJesus commanded “go make disciples of all nations…” But how can we actually live out his words? How do we model his love and compassion in our everyday lives? How do we reach those who haven't heard of Jesus from where we live, work, and play? How do we welcome those who are so different from us? Are we even willing to try?
The Untapped PotentialLatin America remains on of the most untapped and and promising regions in the world for mission mobilization.
The Gift of the UnexpectedNo one could have imagined all the change that would come in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic swept across the world and brought many people’s jobs, projects and ministries to a standstill. Churches closed. Mission workers were confined to their homes. Cities were locked down. Life came to a standstill. And yet, God was using this crisis to build new momentum among believers in Pakistan.
A Small and Willing YesFatima and her family needed help with almost everything. Their needs were far too much for Lydia alone to shoulder. Rebekah saw why mobilizing the people in their local church was going to be important. It was critical that everyone in their church community, not just Lydia, see the unreached people God had put before them and begin welcoming them.
Global Vision Update 20203 billion people have no access to the gospel. This reality keeps us up at night. These unreached people will likely live their lives without ever hearing the gospel or meeting a Christian. In the words of Paul, “How are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?” (Romans 10:14) But praise God that He has a plan! From Genesis to Revelation, God shows that He won’t rest until He has redeemed people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. We invite you to pause with us and take in the state of the world, see God’s plan, and pray with us for the unreached. This y
Her Eyes Fixed On A PrizeHer trip to Morocco was approaching. She didn't know what to expect in Morocco or what purpose she could even find there. She felt drained and slightly foolish for having arranged a trip there. She began to pray through her hesitation and felt the Lord say to her again, 'Go. I will show you my will." Despite the uncertainty in her heart, she obeyed, packed her bags and got on her flight.
Far Bigger Than Myself"Every person deserves to hear the gospel. Jesus commands us to pray for, befriend, and love the nations. He loves me but His mission is far bigger than myself."
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