
Prototype Articles

This article has every component available to articles, and is to be used as a prototype and/or demonstration for others.
November 01, 2022

post haec vidi quattuor angelos stantes super quattuor angulos terrae tenentes quattuor ventos terrae ne flaret ventus super terram neque super mare neque in ullam arborem et vidi alterum angelum ascendentem ab ortu solis habentem signum Dei vivi et clamavit voce magna quattuor angelis quibus datum est nocere terrae et mari

In This Article
  • Header goes here
  • et audivi signatorum
  • et respondit unus
  • quoniam agnus

  • Steve Shadrach
    Global Ambassador, ViaDr. Steve Shadrach, Founder and Global Ambassador for Via, has a passion for developing laborers for Christ to reach the world. He has founded serval ministries and authored numerous books and articles on campus ministry, personal support raising, and mission mobilization. He has been living on personal ministry support since 1986, and still is sharing the Gospel and discipling men on the campus at the University of Arkansas. He began his ministry career serving in leadership at Kanakuk and then as Pastor of Students and Missions at University Baptist Church (1983-1986) in Fayetteville, AR. He is also the founder of three organizations. In 1986, he founded Student Mobilization, which focuses on evangelizing and discipling college students in the U.S. and abroad. In 1999, he co-founded The Traveling Team, which focuses on mobilizing college students throughout the country, with Todd Ahrend (who pioneered the ministry). In 2001, he turned these two ministries over to the next generation of leadership to launch Via (formerly the Center for Mission Mobilization and earlier, The BodyBuilders), which seeks to multiply mission movements to the unreached. From 2004 to 2012, in addition to leading Via (CMM), he was the Mobilization Director for the US Center for World Mission, which included leadership of the Perspectives Study Program. Dr. Shadrach has a Master’s in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctorate of Ministry in Church and Parachurch Executive Leadership from Denver Seminary. He has written four books, The Fuel and the Flame: Ten Keys to Ignite Your Campus for Jesus Christ, The God Ask: A Fresh, Biblical Approach to Personal Support Raising, Brown Like Coffee: For Students Who Think Outside the Box, and Viewpoints: Fresh Perspectives on Personal Support Raising. Steve and his family reside in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

    Carissa Potter
    Director of Via Families, ViaCarissa is a fun-loving, world-traveling, truth-sharing, friend of Jesus. She loves to lead and teach, and never misses an opportunity to talk about the amazing story God is writing throughout all of human history. She desires to see every family find their place in God’s big story.

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